Llet d'ametlla - MediterraNuts

Almond milk

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 cup raw almonds, natural or shelled (approx. 100 g)
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml – 1 l)
  • 2 dates, seedless, or any other fruit that gives us a sweet touch.
  • Soak the almonds in a little water for at least 4 hours to activate them. You can put them on the night before and prepare the milk for breakfast.

  • Add the clean almonds and the rest of the ingredients to the mixer and beat until a homogeneous and smooth paste is formed. Add more or less water as you want it more or less thick, from 750 ml to 1 litre

  • Strain the mixture through a dried fruit cheesecloth, cheese cloth, napkin or strainer. We can also consume it without straining, enjoying all the taste of almonds

  • Serve immediately or refrigerate in an airtight container. It will keep for 3-5 days.

  • Shake it a little before serving to make it homogeneous.
  • Customize it with the desired ingredients: vanilla, cocoa powder or ground cinnamon.
  • Enjoy it hot or cold or use it to make recipes like vegan hot chocolate, flambés, vegan crepes, custards or adding to any recipe in which you would put milk.
Ametlles - Llavors Activades - MNuts

Almonds: activated seeds

  • The activation of the almond seeds accelerates biochemical reactions that release the nutrient reserve and promote digestion and assimilation more efficient.
  • Nuts provide proteins, minerals and fatty acids of the highest quality. Almonds have a considerable amount of phytates, enzyme inhibitors and tannins; its activation is almost essential.
  • Natural raw almonds.
  • To activate nuts, we must start from raw and whole grains, alive, not roasted or fried.

  • They are soaked for 4 to 6 hours in warm water (40-45 °C), you can also leave them overnight, together with a spoonful of sea salt for every liter of water to act as a catalyst and help break the bonds of enzyme inhibitors.

  • Then they are strained, rinsed, and eaten immediately or kept in the refrigerator for up to three days.

  • If they are to be stored, they must be dehydrated at a low temperature to be able to keep them for a long season.

Picada D'ametlla - MediterraNuts

Almond bite

To add to any dish in the oven, casserole or grill INGREDIENTS:
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 sprigs of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons of almonds or almond flour
  • Salt
  • We mince the garlic and parsley in a mortar with the salt that will help us ensure that they do not slide when mincing.

  • When we have a paste, we add the almond or almond flour and work again with the pestle.

  • We can now add it to any dish 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Diez formas de añadir almendras a tu dieta - MNuts

Ten easy ways to add almonds to your diet

  1. A good start to the day is adding a supplement to breakfast, yogurt, cereals…
  2. As an essential dessert, accompanied by other dry and dehydrated fruits such as raisins and figs they are exquisite.
  3. Make cakes, cookies and energy bars with almond flour. Almond flour in the skin is the most suitable, as it provides all the fiber and nutrients, it is the tastiest. Link recipes
  4. Spread them on salads, they are a very good option.
  5. Add a spoonful to smoothies for extra nutrients.
  6. Add a spoonful to soups to add some protein and help you feel great.
  7. Make a good picada d’ametlla, garlic and parsley and add – it in the pan or in the oven for the last 10 minutes of cooking, it will enhance and change the taste of all your dishes.
  8. Use it as a substitute for any pastry flour, recommended for gluten-free diets.
  9. Make almond milk, a good vegetable drink and with quantity of almonds of your choice. It’s easy, cheap and natural, learn about it.
  10. And finally, you can activate them. Take them with you to eat during the day. It is a very nutritious and effective way to alleviate hunger at any time of the day.