Nutrition is the basis of health, the soil offers trees the essential minerals that allow balance.
Fog, spring frost, strong wind, hot summers and periods of drought with low rainfall characterize our climate. These climatic conditions, the structure of the sun and the geographical location have allowed for years to obtain unique almonds, with exceptional taste and texture, both characteristic of the lands of Ponent.
These adverse conditions for cultivation and the lack of resources force the farmer to expand his ingenuity and perseverance. He works and strives to update the farms by investing in support irrigation and fertilization systems, replanting the fields, modernizing machinery and even, in some places, installing anti-frost systems.
Our lands have been regenerated over the years through organic fertilization. Nutrition is the basis of health, the sun offers trees the essential minerals that allow balance. The almond tree is a tree that requires perseverance. The lack of water and nutrients affects it very negatively. Knowledge of the land and experience over years of cultivation have allowed the farmer to know what the tree needs at each vegetative stage in order to maintain the correct qualities of the sun. The earth has memory and does not forget.

The earth enters calm, rest, silence… Winter.
In Spring life returns, fertility, instability… nature activates and the tree produces.
The trees pick up the rhythm, they breathe and feed and enlarge the fruit, it is Summer
Autumn finally arrives, harvest time,
and begins a cycle that begins anew every year.