The Almond Grain from its origin:
The Producer

Our products

Try our almonds in all varieties

Almonds are...

Almendras Fuente d'energia - Mediterranean NutsPOWER SOURCE.
Almendras buenas para el corazon - Mediterranean NutsGOOD FOR THE HEART, THE BONES, THE TEETH AND THE BRAIN.
Almendras mejoran el sistema inmunitario - Mediterranean NutsIMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Almendras combaten los radicales libres - Mediterranean NutsFIGHT FREE RADICALS.

Incorporate them into your diet!

Ametlla | Mediterranean Nuts

Homemade: Fast, Simple and Economical

Since 1974 breaking almonds.


We are the origin of the almond. A large family made up of producers who continue to trust their product to MediterraNuts for more than 50 years.












Find out where our almonds come from.

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